Echoing the strength and power of whale flukes, the Baleen Chain Bracelet is a streamlined bracelet designed for layering, championing handmade links that are invisibly riveted together to enable a seamless, fluid motion.
$ 81.73
$ 62.87
$ 42.04
$ 54.65
$ 60.51
$ 78.66
$ 46.32
$ 60.22
$ 60.00
$ 24.00
$ 40.47
$ 52.61
$ 57.99
$ 75.39
$ 29.00
$ 46.65
$ 60.65
$ 63.60
$ 82.68
Echoing the strength and power of whale flukes, the Baleen Chain Bracelet is a streamlined bracelet designed for layering, championing handmade links that are invisibly riveted together to enable a seamless, fluid motion.